Английский без проблем для продвинутых Америка и американцы + CD

Пособие предназначено для самостоятельных занятий иностранным языком.
Комплект из книги и диска подготовлен для тех, кто не успевает посещать курсы или заниматься английским языком с преподавателем.
С помощью этого пособия читатели улучшат свой английский и больше узнают об Америке, ее истории, культуре, достопримечательностях, жизни современных американцев.
Дробная структура, емкие объяснения, полезные таблицы, короткие тексты и упражн...
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Пособие предназначено для самостоятельных занятий иностранным языком.
Комплект из книги и диска подготовлен для тех, кто не успевает посещать курсы или заниматься английским языком с преподавателем.
С помощью этого пособия читатели улучшат свой английский и больше узнают об Америке, ее истории, культуре, достопримечательностях, жизни современных американцев.
Дробная структура, емкие объяснения, полезные таблицы, короткие тексты и упражнения, нужные и нескучные задания помогут освежить в памяти грамматику и увеличить словарный запас.
Тексты и задания на аудио-диске помогут научиться воспринимать иностранную речь на слух.
Книга предназначена для учащихся продвинутого уровня и для всех, кто хочет попрактиковаться в английском языке.
The Land of Contrasts
The Pearl Harbor Day
Lincoln and Kennedy Coincidences
Weather and Climate of the USA
Most Famous Harry Truman, the 33,h President of the
USA Quotations
Tornado Alley
Murphy's Law
The Political System of the USA
History Trivia
Political Parties of the USA
"Important Dates and Events"
Tongue Twisters
Donkey and Elephant
Fountain Pen
Quiz "What Do You Know about Cities of the USA?"
Most Famous Mark Twain Quotations
President of the USA
President Barack Obama
Difference between British and American Spelling
The Most Influential Presidents of the USA
Funny Warnings: Clothes
Fun Presidential Facts
History of the chewing gum
Abraham Lincoln
Most Famous Abraham Lincoln Quotations
George Washington
Facts about George Washington
The American Revolutionary War
Famous George Orwell Quotes
The American Civil War
Quiz "What Do You Know about Connecticut?"
Hail Minnesota
Native Americans
American Indians - Plains Tribes
Honoring Native American Culture and Traditions
The California Gold Rush, 1849
Native American Proverbs
"American Flora and Fauna"
Tongue Twisters
The History of American Cowboys
Cowboy Killers
Ku Klux Klan
Funny Warnings: Signs
Uncle Sam
Origin and History of the
Word "Yankee"
Most Famous Ernest Hemingway Quotations
The History of American Flag
Funny Warnings: Drinks
The Star-Spangled Banner
The Star-Spangled Banner Lyrics
National Flag
Roaring Twenties
Native American Proverbs
The Great Seal
Quiz "What Do You Know about California?"
Most Famous Mark Twain Quotations
The National Bird of the USA
The History of Pizza in the USA
Difference between British and American Spelling
The History of the Statue of Liberty
Incredible American Leaders
The White House
The Family Life of the White House
Tongue Twisters
The Capitol
Most Famous Quotes about America
"White House Pets"
The Library of Congress
The Lincoln Memorial Myths
Most Famous Frank Sinatra Quotations
Washington Monument
Francis Scott Fitzgerald
Oregon, My Oregon
The Liberty Bell
Incredible American Musicians
The US National Flower
Funny Warnings: Electronics
Mount Rushmore
Mount Rushmore
State Fruit
The Gap Year
Most Famous Barack Obama Quotes
American Higher Education
Quiz "What Do You Know about Alabama?"
Cowboy boots
Peculiarities of American English
Difference between British and American Spelling
Communication Styles and Business Meetings
American Sign Language
Tongue Twisters
Clothing in the USA
"States Trivia"
Great Depression
The History of Hollywood
Most Famous Walt Disney Quotations
New Hollywood
Marilyn Monroe
Most Famous Marilyn Monroe Quotations
Festivals of the USA
Quiz "What Do You Know about Interesting USA Facts?"
The Pioneers
Thanksgiving Day
The History of the Thanksgiving Day
Funny Warnings: Food
4th of July
Native American Proverbs
"Facts about States"
Most Famous Frank Sinatra Quotations
New Year in the USA
Favorite Fruit
Cheerleading in the USA
Difference between British and American Spelling
Halloween Superstitions
Facts about Halloween and Halloween History
National Garlic Day
The Groundhog Day
North Dakota Hymn
Youth and Family Life
Adoption in the United States
Most Famous Hillary Clinton Quotations
What a Wonderful World (a fragment)
Brief History of Cooking Inventions
Weird, Funny and Strange Laws in the United States
Crime and Justice
Quiz "What Do You Know about Weird Things in the
Dumb Warnings: Household
Science and Technology
Samuel Morse
"Native American Power Animals"
John Davison Rockefeller
American Food
The Invention of the Internet
Georgia on My Mind
The First Skyscraper in the World
American Subway
Economy of the USA
Difference Between British and American Spelling
The History of American Dollar
Thomas Jefferson Inventions
Most Famous Malcolm
Forbes Quotations
The Story of McDonald's
Funny Warnings: Hygiene
The Story of Coca-Cola
The History of Sneakers
Henry Ford
Quiz "What Do You Know about American Writers?"
Tongue Twisters
The US Press
National Book Festival and Library Bicentennial
Attitude toward Foreign Media
Ernest Hemingway
Jack London
Beautiful Nebraska
Amelia Earhart
Native American Proverbs
"What State is it?"
Incredible American Scientists and Explorers
Kennedy Curse
Lyman Frank Baum
Most Famous John Fitzgerald Kennedy Quotations
Americas Most Expensive Cities
Washington, D.C
Quiz "What Do You Know about Washington, D.C?"
Difference between British and American Spelling
New York, New York!
Roebling and the Brooklyn Bridge
Mall Facts
"The Big Apple"
New York, New York (a fragment)
Tongue Twisters
I love NY
Native American Proverbs
"Unusual Names and Nicknames"
Funny Warnings: Miscellaneous
Basketball in the USA
Most Famous Michael Jordan Quotations
Las Vegas
Difference between British and American Spelling
San Francisco
Tongue Twisters
American Mammals
The Alaska Purchase
Facts about Alaska
Great Lakes
Native American Proverbs
"State Info"
Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon Skywalk
Funny Warnings: Toys
Niagara Falls
The History of Volleyball
Funny American Laws
Yellowstone National Park
Difference between British and American Spelling
Alcatraz Island
Alcatraz Prison
Tongue Twisters
Lituya Bay Megatsunami
Weird American Laws
The Apollo Missions
Orphan Trains
History of American Football
"Аl" Capone
Harvard University
Funny American Laws
The First Billionaire in the World
Most Famous Ernest Hemingway Quotations
Fun Armadillo Facts
Англо-русский словарь

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